Thursday’s Thought: I Need A Job! Where Do I Begin?

Posted by Kevin Crews - The Career Strategist on January 27, 2011 in Job Tip |
The most common answer to that question for a typical job seeker is "The Job Boards". It worked in the past, so let's try it again. Wrong answer.

In confusing times, where everyone and anyone is handing out inaccurate advice, and the job seekers heads are spinning with confusion, some seem to turn to those "comfortable" job boards. This is a huge mistake.

They spend entirely too much time looking for opportunities on these boards. And with the success rate of this approach nearly at zero, and with months and months of not getting any "traction" on their job search, they have become "frozen" in their tracks and are not doing anything at all, or at least not doing "productive" tasks.

So what is the correct answer? To fully answer that question in detail, it would take me about 40 hours (since that is how long my 5 day class is), but to get you started in the right direction, you need to seriously consider implementing these 5 steps in your job search arsenal.

1) Write your job search ammunition (resume, cover letter, etc.) so that you look radically different than the rest of your competition.

2) Go crazy with networking. If you don't show up to networking events at least 30 minutes early and talk to those that arrive, you are missing a huge opportunity to have them all to yourself.

3) Ride the Social Media Wave.These tools need to be your new best friend. I guarantee they won't bite (like your former best friend - wolf wolf).

4) Learn how to be a geek. Yes, you need to become Internet savvy. There are so many helpful tools, applications, tips and tricks to shorten your job search time in half and place you in front of the decision makers quicker.

5) Attend my CTS Networking Club on the first and third Wednesday's of every month at the Lisle Hilton to learn how to get employed faster at a company you love and at a salary you deserve. Register here.

Want to learn more? I can help. Give me a call for a free evaluation on what steps I think you need to take to thaw out your frozen job search.

Kevin Crews - The Career Strategist - (630) 660-0000.

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