Thursday’s Thought: Where Are The Risk Takers?
I admit that I have a lot of "out-of-the-box" ideas, and I don't expect everyone to implement every single idea that I recommend. However, it amazes me how many people elect to ONLY take the SAFE route in their job search (and especially if they have been out of work for an extended period of time).I really want to challenge those of you that have taken this safe path, to spend all next week doing something different (that you've never tried before), each day of the week. So, by Friday, you will have completed 5 new job search techniques. What is the worst that can happen? The employer will eliminate you from consideration? Possibly, but haven't they been eliminating you for the past "x" months anyhow? I want you to get creative in your job search. You can start on Monday by doing something slightly out of your comfort zone, but by Friday, I want your family members to start questioning your insanity.
In fact, just to entice you to follow through with this, I will give anyone that sends me their "log" of what they did each day of the week, a free webinar (starting in May).
Note: I am going to offer webinars on most of the job search topics that I have talked about in my speeches and classes. We will go much further in-depth on the topics than I had time to do in other forums. More to come...